Yo! Here are all of Yoshihiro Togashi's author comments from Weekly Shonen Jump for his series, Hunter x Hunter, in Japanese , Chinese , and English ! Enjoy~ ←[1998]→ Shonen Jump Issue 14 (Chapter 1) "初めまして!!憧れのジャンプに連載できて、ドキドキしっ放しの冨樫義博という者です。皆さん、「とがP」あてで手紙くださいね。" 初次见面!!我叫富坚义博,能在憧憬的JUMP上连载,我心情好激动啊。大家,要给“小坚坚”写信哦。 "Nice to meet you all! This is Yoshihiro Togashi and I can't help feeling so excited to have my manga published in Shonen Jump again. Toga P is my nickname, by the way! Everyone, please write to me at "Togashi P"." *Note: Putting P at the end of your name is the common and easy way in Japan to give someone a nickname.* Shonen Jump Issue 15 (Chapter 2) "世の中色々と大変ですねェ。何が大変って引っ越し。送る先が3か所もあると、整理だけでパニック。" 活着真是各种不容易啊。要说什么不容易,搬家不容易。送货地址就有三个,光是整理就慌乱不已。 "This world is full of tough things, you know. What the toughest is, is house-moving. There were three different addresses to ship packages to so that I was litera...